Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Career Change

Hi All,

My first post is about introducing myself and this blog is mainly about something which is a lot more common and frequent these days...the career change. I have gone through two career changes. I used to work as a labourer and then changed to a career in logistics for four years and now I am trying to niche out a career as a web developer. I am 29 years old and finished doing a diploma in programming and freelancing  web projects.

Anyways enough about me! I started this blog to basically draw upon the experiences of other people when they consider a career change. I guess the common theme is the "I have been working too darn long in this job" or the "I need to get out of the office" reason or "I want to own my business and get out of the 9 to 5 routine". But maybe there are other unfortunate circumstances that is the catalyst for the need to change a career. Such as health reasons. I guess we have all heard of the stockbroker making $200K plus per year yet their stress levels are at such high levels,  as opposed to the building labourer who works damn hard to make ends meet yet can't see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to getting a better pay packet.

So what drives us more...doing what we love but earning less?, earning more for doing something we dislike? In some cases people do find the right marriage in doing what they love and getting paid megabucks for what they do. With the possible scenarios described, when is the best time to change careers  in order to realistically assess that can possibly find that utopian career you have been dreaming of?

Currently I am 29 years old and have had a passion for computers since I was 6 years old. I dabbled in programming back  in high school and I guess it took my 10 years to realize where my true passions lie
. I still have some regret of not taking up this choice as I aimlessly stumbled from one career to the next yet it sometimes does feel like I am back at square one.

I am now a big believer that passion is everything and that passion equates to happiness. I think Donald Trump once said that one of the keys to success is "doing something you love" . I could not agree more.

Going back to the circumstances as to what may prompt people to change careers, I am sure there might be some evidence out there in which the Global Financial Crisis has caused many people , whom were made redundant, to change their career path due to the devastating effect this has had on their respective industry.

Anyways I would appreciate some views as to how many times you may have changed careers for whatever reasons they may be. It is good to get the ball rolling on this first post.


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